Hundreds of music fans have been left high and dry after end-to-end festival experience and ticket supplier Festicket entered administration after a moratorium filed in August ended.
Customers of the firm set up by Zack Sabban and Jonathan Younes in 2014 are unlikely to see any of their cash for a huge variety of ticketed events such as the indoor electronic all-nighter Westfest in October. Also affected is the Secret Project Festival Amsterdam plus Time Warp in Germany, and Evanescence in Lisbon in December along with dozens more events and concerts around the world the firm sold tickets for.
One customer who had planned to go to the Westfest at Shepton Mallet’s Bath and West Showground wrote on her Face Book page: “I bought 4 tickets for Westfest on a payment plan from Festiticket who have just gone into administration. There is no way to contact them… So far they’ve taken £80 so I’ve lost my money and my tickets. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do? Tickets are now £55 and I can’t afford to replace all 4.”
Others complained that they had paid but could not download their tickets and so had lost their money with no one from Festicket replying to emails. More alarming still is a string of complaints online made by angry customers dating back months at the poor service and failure to send ticket downloads for a variety of festivals. Even in May and June money was not being refunded suggesting major problems with the business. With one distraught customer warning back in the spring: “Don’t buy your tickets from Festicket ever.”
Checkaco advises the public to do a check out companies through their website before parting with cash – the search will quickly show up any financial concerns like County Court Judgements which are red flags for any business.
Checkaco was created for consumers so that they can quickly access very detailed information about a company. Using our secure search, you can view any company anonymously in seconds
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