Always do a Checkaco on a firm if you are parting with large amounts of cash
Brookside Foods, Chiltern Foods, Dovey Premium Products, Baraka Foods, Serious Foods… the list is endless – major wholesalers in the catering and hospitality industries struggling or going bust – don’t get caught out when you pay up front for a big order only to find the firm has gone west along with your cash – Checkaco them first.
The last 15 months has seen scores of food wholesalers go to the wall as the Covid-19 shutdowns have hit the catering and hospitality industries. Companies House has listed huge numbers of meat companies who have ceased trading in the last few weeks along with even more pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes. Each one that goes bust leaves a trail of debt as it is a lack of cash flow and an inability to service debts that forces them to call it a day. Before they collapse a paper trail will flag up they are in trouble despite their protestations about being solvent and profitable. Play safe and check them out on Checkaco.
Get the low down on any firm, company or business for £7.95 at https://checkaco.com/
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Forex pyramid
Pyramid schemes have been around since the year dot but there’s a new one that has spread on Instagram that is catching mainly the young and gullible out. Con man Gurvin Singh has been exposed by BBC journalists for selling to his Instagram followers investments into his foreign exchange trading scheme known as Forex trading. Using glossy images and videos on the social media site he suggests how wealthy investors would become with images of yachts, flashy cars and high end products. Impoverished students, the jobless and the desperate paid up with whatever they could afford and were soon told how their investments had doubled and double again. Except when they asked to withdraw the profits there is silence. The money had gone to fund Gurvin Singh’s luxury lifestyle as he hasn’t invested a penny in foreign currencies. Investors are encouraged to promote the scheme to friends so they can become richer – but like all pyramid schemes it is worthless. If the company is a genuine Forex outfit it will be flagged up with a Checkaco check. If it doesn’t then it’s likely to be a scam.
Get the low down on any firm, company or business for £7.95 at https://checkaco.com/
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Prior Park College in Bath
Fake courses
Prior Park College is a respected independent school in Bath in the west of England for children aged 11-18. Students from around the world pay thousands of pounds to attend the colleges in the UK to gain degrees and diplomas in order to gain jobs in the West or elsewhere. Two scammers have been sentenced to suspended prison sentences this month for setting up a website cloning Prior Park College as a real further education institution. Students paid up front for courses in the expectation of attending the college at the start of the new educational year. Sanketkumar Patel, 37, of Leicester, and Chirag Patel, 46, of London, were rumbled when students turned up at the school to discover the courses didn’t exist. The pair charged foreign nationals up to £6,500 for a place on a fake business course. They were convicted of money laundering and given suspended sentences. If potential students had done a Checkaco on the duo’s business they would never have paid up because if the company didn’t show up on Checkaco then it’s a scam.
Get the low down on any firm, company or business for £7.95 at https://checkaco.com/
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No jobs
Dodgy companies are encouraging the unemployed, the low paid and those seeking a new job with offers to apply for ‘dream jobs’ with high salaries and interesting specifications. The only thing is the jobs don’t exist and to have a telephone interview you need to part with cash. Once you’ve ‘passed’ the so-called interview in which the questions were basic and the job details vague – but with the promise of a good salary you are invited to the final round of interviews which you need to pay an arrangement fee to attend. Surprise, surprise you’ve been offered the job. Further details and a start date are to be given on payment of a further fee – leaving you out of pocket because as soon as you’ve paid up through a bank transfer the company that arranged it all disappears.
Get the low down on any firm, company or business for £7.95 at https://checkaco.com/
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There are rogues out there who pose as legitimate businesses or are firms with terrible credit histories. Before you pay a cash deposit to them do a credit check with Checkaco for £7.95 and see if they are legitimate. All firms have tell-tale credit histories which reveal if they can be trusted with your money. Checkaco’s credit checks are accurate and up to date so you can spot if the trader you choose is safe – and won’t go bust. Get the low down on any firm or individual at https://checkaco.com/

The ratings are poor, fair, good or excellent – find out all their details now for just £7.95 at https://checkaco.com/
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