Many of your customers may have been dormant due to furloughing and the lockdowns but when furloughing ends thousands of firms could go into administration. That means you may not get paid. Things have changed during the pandemic. Do a credit check on them first with Checkaco to see if they are still solvent.

The ratings are poor, fair, good or excellent – find out now for just £5.95!
Every week companies go bust taking with them the unpaid invoices of their suppliers. Others are set to go into administration when furlough ends – putting at risk any work they order from you. Don’t get caught out.
For just £5.95 do a credit check with Checkaco https://checkaco.com/ and see if their credit is poor, fair, good or excellent.
Smart, simple analysis for safer financial decisions
Includes full company details, directors, financial status and debts with ratings from excellent to poor

Visit Checkaco NOW at: https://checkaco.com/
For details about Checkaco email info@checkaco.com or visit the website https://checkaco.com/
Checkaco, The Exchange, Express Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4RR UK