A Useful Tool to Prevent Getting Scammed

It’s easy in today’s world to turn to online browsing when you’re looking for certain services or products. When websites have wonderful enticing images and promises of bargain prices, how do you know if by pressing click you might just be waving goodbye to your hard earned cash? Check here first We offer a useful […]

Business Background Checks for the Consumer

Background Checks for the Consumer Whether you’re buying a car, paying for a wedding or refurbishing your home, you’ll want the reassurance of knowing that you’re dealing with someone reputable. But checking out reviews from satisfied customers isn’t enough if the business is having financial problems. Although a company may seem outwardly successful, it’s not […]

Paying a deposit for furniture? Don’t get caught out if the company goes bust like House of Fraser –check them out with Checkaco first

Paying a deposit for furniture? Don’t get caught out if the company goes bust like House of Fraser –check them out with Checkaco first So many people got caught out when House of Fraser went bust as they lost their deposits on furniture and various goods. And although one family took matters into their own […]

Don’t send your laptop or phone to be mended by these rogues. When in doubt always use CheckaCo and save the heartache (and lost cash) when spending money with a suspect business

Rogues is the word to describe the people behind Elite Phones and Computers Limited of Eccles of Greater Manchester who have been exposed by the BBC Watchdog programme and slammed by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) for misleading claims. The company repairs gadgets, laptops, tablets, phones and games consoles saying it make repairs quickly from […]